“Aspects of the Great Depression and the Crisis of 2007: Similarities, Differences, and Lessons” (with Christopher Meissner), Oxford Review of Economic Policy 26(3), November 2010, pp. 318-338 (previously released as National Bureau of Economic Research working paper 16269).

“The Emergence of Central Banks and Banking Regulation in Comparative Perspective,” in State and Financial Systems in Europe and the USA: Historical Perspectives on Regulation and Supervision in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by Stefano Battilossi and Jaime Reis, Ashgate, 2010.

“Japan’s Return to Gold: Turning Points in the Value of the Yen during the 1920s,” (with Masami Imai), Explorations in Economic History 46(3), July 2009, pp. 314-323.

“May Issue vs. Shall Issue: Explaining the Pattern of Concealed Carry Gun Laws, 1960-2000” (with Stephen A. Lee), Contemporary Economic Policy 26 (2), April 2008, pp. 198-206.
“The Evolution of a National Banking Market in Pre-War Japan” (with Masami Imai), Explorations in Economic History 45(1), January 2008, pp. 17-29.

“Other People’s Money: The Evolution of Bank Capital in the Industrialized World,” in The New Comparative Economic History: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey G. Williamson, edited by Tim Hatton, Kevin O’Rourke, and Alan Taylor, MIT Press, June 2007.

“Fear and Greed: The Evolution of Double Liability in American Banking, 1865-1930,” Explorations in Economic History 44(1), January 2007, pp. 59-80.

“The Cross Section of Asset Returns Before World War I” (with Stephen Shore), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41(2), June 2006, pp. 271-294.

“Paying for Privilege: The Political Economy of Bank of England Charters, 1694-1843” (with Lawrence Broz), Explorations in Economic History 41(1), January 2004, pp. 48-72.

New Indices of British Equity Prices, 1870-1913,” Journal of Economic History 62 (1), March 2002, pp. 121-146.

“Charters, Corporations, and Codes: Entry Restriction in Modern Banking Law,” Financial History Review 8, part 2, October 2001, pp. 107-121.

“Double Liability and Bank Risk-Taking,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 33 (2), May 2001, part 1, pp. 143-159.

“Assessing Damages: The 1983 Israeli Bank Shares Crisis,” (with Asher Blass) Contemporary Economic Policy 19, January 2001, pp. 49-58.

“Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic: English Banking Concentration and Efficiency, 1870-1914,” European Review of Economic History 3, December 1999, pp. 323-349.

“Who Needs Glass-Steagall? Evidence from Israel’s Bank Shares Crisis and the Great Depression” (with Asher Blass), Contemporary Economic Policy 16, April 1998, pp. 185-196.

“Debt Deflation and Financial Instability: Two Historical Explorations” (with Barry Eichengreen), in Asset Prices and the Real Economy (London: Macmillan, 1997), edited by Forrest Capie and Geoffrey Wood.

“Financial Fraud and Banking Stability: The Israeli Banking Crisis of 1983 and Trial of 1990” (with Asher Blass), International Review of Law and Economics 16 (4), December 1996, pp. 461-472.

“The Shoe That Didn’t Drop: Explaining Banking Stability During the Great Depression,” Journal of Economic History 54 (3), September 1994, pp. 654-682.

“The Macroeconomic Consequences of Bank Failures Under the National Banking System,” Explorations in Economic History 30 (3), July 1993, pp. 294-320.

“Deposit Insurance, Regulation, and Moral Hazard in the Thrift Industry: Evidence from the 1930s,” American Economic Review 82 (4), September 1992, pp. 800-821.

“La crise des caisses d’épargne aux Etats-Unis: Une Perspective Historique,” Revue d’Economie Financière 18, Autumn 1991, pp. 45-58.

“Bank Rate Policy Under the Interwar Gold Standard: A Dynamic Probit Model,” Economic Journal 95, September 1985, pp. 725-745 (with Barry Eichengreen and Mark Watson).